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Spring Migration

The returning migratory waterfowl is a spectacular part of late winter.  Incredibly, after flying great distances on designated flight paths, navigating by stars, the sun, and the earth's magnetic field, they find that one place they truly belong, the place of their birth.

This week, I was pumping gas when I heard the all-too-familiar sound of the Canadian Geese. 

The next morning, I went down to the river, and sure enough, a flock of Canadian geese was out on the ice.  Some were feeding, and some were flirting.  It reminded me of a high school dance.  Just Geese being geese.  Soon, they will be busy nesting and raising goslings. 

My painting, Spring Migration, is a 12 x 16 acrylic depicting the Canadian geese's return.  Imagine it is a cold morning, and the sun is about to rise.  You can hear the geese but can't see them.  Then, suddenly, they fly overhead.  They have a busy day and want to get on with it.  They have no time for you. and fly off. 

To all the migratory waterfowl, I wish you safe travels.  I hope you meet a wonderful mate and build a comfortable nest.  Please have a good summer, and welcome home, my friends.

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